Sermon Illustrations

An extremely wealthy man, reflecting on his business career and the life it brought him, said: "“"If you go into business with the idea of satisfying all your wants, your greed will erect for you…
Biographer Philip Guedella often lectured on the art of writing biography. He used to say that a biographer’s most difficult task is finding out what kind of person his subject really was. And then he…
There is the story about a man who was moving overseas. His life’s savings were tucked away in a big money belt he wore around his waist. On the first night of his journey the…
Some people find out who there real friends are precisely when they need them the most. A man lost his entire fortune, suddenly, as the result of one bad investment. The man’s wife confided in…
A young mother was watching a television news program with her eight-year-old son. The newscaster reported on the stock market, saying, “The value of the dollar is up.” The boy then turned to his mother…
A character named “Mr. Pump” appears in a novel by A.A. Milne called “Two People.” At one point in the novel, Mr. Pump, an important London publisher, is described as follows, ...Mr. Pump was not…
The three sons of a lawyer, a doctor, and a minister, respectively, were talking about how much money their fathers earned. The lawyer’s son said, “My father goes into a court on a case and…
“. . . in the last days there will come times of stress. For we will be lovers of self, lovers of money . . . swollen with conceit . . . holding the form…
“As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it yields nothing” (Matthew 13:22).…
MAKING MONEY If you make money at poker, that's gambling. If you make it playing bridge, it's a social activity. If you make it outguessing the commodities, that's a miracle. Funny, Funny World
ROCKEFELLER The story is told by the chief accountant for one of the wealthiest men who ever lived -- John D. Rockefeller, Sr. Someone asked the accountant one day, "How much did John D. leave?…
FORBIDDEN WORD The denominational headquarters were making some video tapes for use as a resource in local churches. The theme of the series was stewardship. Attempting to approach the theme with a humorous twist, this…
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