Sermon Illustrations

WHAT STEWARDSHIP IS REALLY ABOUT It's not what you'd do with a million, If a million were your lot; It's what you're doing at present With the dollar and a quarter you've got.
WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS A relatively new parishioner was aghast at the dreadful financial condition of his church. He visited with a wise friend and said, "We've tried grab bags, box socials, benefits, suppers --…
TRAINING The strong man at a circus side show gave an exhibition of his strength by squeezing an orange to pulp, then offered a reward to anybody who could get another drop of juice out…
MONEY MOTTOS Men adopt as their motto, "Win gold." The vain man adds, "And wear it." The miserly man adds, "And spare it." The prodigal adds, "And spend it." The usurer adds, "And lend it."…
MONEY AND THE NEW TESTAMENT Certainly, Jesus didn't avoid the subject of money. Sixteen of His thirty- eight parables deal with how to handle money and possessions. In the Gospels, an unsettling one out of…
MONEY IS MY LIFE The true drama of money is that I have traded a part of my life for it. I have given my time, my energy, my skill, my wisdom, my training, my…
HOW TO RAISE A BIG OFFERING A minister in a small town was having trouble with his collections. So one Sunday he announced from the pulpit: "Before we pass the collection plate, I would like…
REGARDING MONEY How should we regard money? Do we swear off the filthy stuff? Take vows of poverty? John Wesley offered a more workable lead when he urged: "Make all you can, save all you…
READ THE SMALL PRINT King Louis XI of France, in a pious moment made a "solemn deed and covenant" giving the French province of Boulogne to the Virgin Mary. IN the treatise's small print he…
MONEY FLYPAPER It is one thing for you to have money. It's another thing for money to have you. In a way, it's like the flypaper and the fly. The fly lands on the flypaper…
YOUR DIME Johnny was given two dimes: one for Sunday School, the other for candy. Walking down the street, he stumbled, the coins rolling away. He retrieved one; the other rolled down a drain. Looking…
SURE FIRE CROWD CONTROL A rookie policeman was asked in an examination what he would do to break up a crowd. His answer indicated a deep knowledge of human nature. He replied, "I'd take up…
WHO'S WASTING MONEY? To keep religion in perspective, I sometimes like to look at secular phenomena. According to A. C. Nielson, it costs the following to buy a minute of TV commercial time: Superbowl $1,000,000;…
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