SCIENCE RESURRECTS GOD The very science that "killed" God is, in the eyes of believers, restoring faith. Physicists have stumbled on signs that the cosmos is custom-made for life and consciousness. It turns out that…
Sermon Illustrations
THE STATES OF WATER A junior high school teacher had been teaching his class the three states of matter: solids, liquids and gas. The following week the teacher was reviewing the previous week's lessons with…
MUSIC FROM THE BLACK CIRCLE You know your stereo equipment is getting old when your grandchildren refer to your record player as the music from the black circle.
SURE SIGN OF INTELLIGENT LIFE The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. By Bill Waterson of "Calvin & Hobbes"
UNIVERSE & IDIOTS Programming today is a race between software engineers trying to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.…
PORNOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNET There's an awful lot of material on the Internet that children should not have access to. There's material that even I, in my wildest imagination, would not consider publishing. Larry Flint,…
Y2K DELAY Microsoft announced today that the official release date for the new operating system "Windows 2000" will be delayed until the second quarter of 1901.
100 GIGABURGER BUG Experts warned today of a new and deadly threat to our beleaguered civilization: the 100GB Bug. As most people know, McDonald's restaurant signs show the number of hamburgers the giant chain has…
Y2K NAMES You've no doubt heard about the Y2K problem, the world's biggest programming boo- boo. But hundreds of companies are dealing with a more prosaic Y2K problem: somewhere in their name is the soon-to-…
FOUR ENGINEERS & ONE BROKEN CAR There are four engineers traveling in a car; a mechanical engineer, a chemical engineer, an electrical engineer, and a computer engineer. The car breaks down. "Sounds to me as…
TALKING KEYBOARD For a computer programming class, I sat directly across from someone and our computers were facing away from each other. A few minutes into the class, she got up to leave the room.…
WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE BANK This letter is an extract from the Sydney Morning Herald, Australia: My Dear Bank Manager, I am writing to thank you for bouncing the cheque with which I endeavored to…
DATING DINOSAUR BONES Some tourists in the Chicago Museum of Natural History were marveling at the dinosaur bones. One of them asked the guard, "Can you tell me how old the dinosaur bones are?" The…
A NEW ARM FOR M R. POTATO HEAD Mr. Potato Head is lying in a hospital bed as the doctor shows him an array of prosthetics and tells him that there is a wide selection…
GHANDI ON SEVEN SINS OF A DYING SOCIETY Ghandi, a now deceased, non-Christian world leader listed seven sins of a dying society that are capable of rotting out a nation from the inside: Wealth without…
MORE ANSWERS FROM CHILDREN � The equator is an imaginary lion that runs around the world forever. � An appendix is something you find in the back of a book. But if it gets in…
GO GET YOUR OWN DIRT One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had come a long way and no longer needed God. So they picked one scientist to go and…
FEDERAL OSTRICH STUDIES Word has it, there was a federally funded grant to discover why ostriches have such long necks. After thousands of dollars were spent, the discovery was made: The reason ostriches have such…
BOZO BOSSES The originator of "Dilbert" comic strip, Scott Adams, shares a few of the stories that his readers sent in to him about their own bosses: An impatient and frustrated boss was sitting in…
GLOBAL OUTREACH Jesse and Nettie Miller, in their missions letter, tell about a new worker with Cadence International. This missions worker, Alex Jeruchik, fled from Russia as a youth to Argentina to escape oppression. He…