Sermon Illustrations

Texans love to tell a story that begins with this question: “Did you know that George Washington originally came from texas?” Then they go on to explain that the Washington family originally lived on a…
A politician running for office was incensed at remarks which had been made about him by the local paper. He burst into the editorial room and exclaimed, “You are telling lies about me in your…
“Lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all day long” (Psalms 25:5). A little girl had developed a bad habit of lying.…
A man was fishing on a river bank at an isolated spot where he was certain no one would see him. Suddenly, out of the bushes, a stranger appeared. “Have you had any luck?” the…
During the Lenten Season one year, a family visited a friend’s Church. As the host was pointing out the beauty of the stained-glass windows, all eyes were instead drawn to a large, wooden cross to…
To match the cry of agony, there is the laugh of defiance. To stem the flow of tears, there is the laugh of courage. To do battle with the moan of despair there is the…
A bus driver named Steve stopped in to his favorite diner to eat one of his usual meals — a bowl of soup, two thick slabs of roast beef, three baked potatoes, four rolls and…
A preacher was drawing heavily on his supply of imagery to describe the day of final judgment. “Thunder will boom,” he cried out. “Rivers will overflow,” he shouted. “Flames will shoot down from the heavens…
Shortly after President Truman’s death, a panel of veteran journalists appeared on television to reminisce on his life and times. One reporter recalled an incident wherein President and Mrs. Truman were being escorted by a…
The Germans have two words for the verb “to know.” One word is “kennen” which means to know with your mind. The other word is “wissen” (pronounce vissen) which means to know at the deepest…
Most of us miss out on life’s big prizes. The Pulitzer. The Nobel. Oscars. Emmys. But we’re all eligible for life’s small pleasures: A pat on the back. A kiss behind the ear. A four-pound…
Pick a day, any day. Choose a person . . . then say something unexpected, or nice, or flattering like: “Everyone is secretly in love with you.” Other nice things to say to people are:…
Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile,…
Have you seen a kindness shown? Pass it on! ’Twas not given to you alone! Pass It on! Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another’s tears, Till in heaven the deed appears,…
A school superintendent and an elementary school principal were conducting a review of an eighth grade teacher’s work. As they entered the classroom through the back door, they heard the teacher say to the tallest…
Frederick the Great is reported to have said, “The more I get to know people the more I love my dog.” People are strange, aren’t they? Different. Unique. Aggravating. They don’t understand us. They ignore…
A fable tells of an ancient Persian King who wanted to discourage his four sons from making rash judgments. At his command, the eldest made a winter journey to see a mango tree. When spring…
Eight-year-old Jeffrey, saying Grace at breakfast, ended with, “We thank you for this beautiful day.” His mother, glancing out the window at an approaching storm, asked, “Why did you say that? This day is anything…
A mother who was congratulating her son on his 13th birthday asked him how it felt to be a teenager. “It’s all right, I guess,” he answered, “except for the reputation.” Surely Jesus experienced that…
In his book, “Beside the Briar Bunny Bush,” Ian McClaren tells of a young Scotch clergyman, recently ordained, who had come to the little church of his youth to preach his first sermon. The congregation…
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