Sermon Illustrations

A Church newsletter included this essay by an eight-year-old boy. His third grade Sunday School teacher had asked her students to write about what “God’s jobs” are. ”One of God’s main jobs is making people.…
“You don’t believe that God lives in Heaven?” asked the Preacher. “No,” replied the little boy, “He lives in the bathroom. I know because every morning my dad stands by the door and shouts, ‘My…
A famous Christian preacher was fond of telling the story of two diamonds. One of the diamonds was out in the bright sunlight, sparkling with life, flashing brilliantly from every one of a thousand facets.…
A very holy man who had served for many years in a big downtown church decided to shift gears in his middle-age by settling down as pastor to a small, rural congregation. This occurred many…
“God abides in those who confess that Jesus is the Son of God, and they abide in God. So we have known and believe the love that God has for us.” (IJn.4:15-16). In an introductory…
Historian H.G. Welles, in his “religious” period during World War I, said... Religion is the first and last thing, and until a man has found God, he begins at no beginning and works to no…
Stanley Frank and Paul Sann tell a classic story about a cub reporter in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, at the time of the disastrous “Johnstown Flood” in 1889. The first report of the flood reached the nearest…
A recent issue of LIFE magazine posed the question, “Who is God?” The editors interviewed people of all faiths, worldwide, and found most of them eager to talk about God. Among those interviewed were a…
Do you remember Herman Melville’s “Moby Dick” — the story of the great white whale? Most people used to think of it simply as being a great sea story, an adventure story. But the critics…
There is the story of three trees which were talking among themselves about their future. The first tree said, “I’d really like to be made into a cradle so that a baby could be laid…
On her first day of work, the newly hired office manager was asked to contribute to a collection for a woman who was getting married; on the second day, for a guy who was retiring;…
I send you love, I send you light; I bless your soul with all my might. I give you all that I can give, And pray that it will help you live. A life that’s…
Dick needs Jane and Jack needs Jill And Tom is Jerry’s chum. Need we mention Mutt and Jeff And Tweedles Dee and Dum? Sherlock Holmes and Watson Were as thick as any thieves, And don’t…
“The Little Prince” is one of those rare literary gems, simple enough for children, yet profound enough to keep adults thinking all their lives. The little Prince comes to earth from another planet, and he…
There is the story of a tavern proprietor who locked up his place at three a.m. and went straight home to bed. He had slept only a few minutes when the telephone rang. He picked…
"... if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). “When Christ freed us He meant us to remain free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to the yoke…
A mysterious building had been erected on the outskirts of town and the residents were curious. An old farmer, driving past the place, called out to a man who was entering the building, “What are…
It could be said that July 4th is a unique holiday. Where else but in America can you find people who are paying off a revolving charge account, a home-improvement loan, a 48-month car loan…
"For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another” (Galatians 5:13). The students in a fifth-grade…
The mother of a little girl was preparing to attend a very special social event she had been looking forward to for a long time. The new dress she had bought for the occasion was…
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