Sermon Illustrations

The roses in my garden are more beautiful, more fragrant, and give me more pleasure than any I can buy in a store. And so it is with my children who are smarter than all…
There is a proverb that goes something like this: “Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all goings will be yours.”…
The famous cartoonist, Jules Pfeiffer, was discussing a cartoon strip he did for the newspapers. In it, a little boy didn’t want to go to school because he feared his parents would move away while…
A child in Sunday School heard the story of the Prodigal Son for the first time. “In the midst of all the celebration for the prodigal son,” said the teacher, “there was one for whom…
At a midwestern State Fair, a grand-champion lamb, owned by a little girl, was being auctioned. As the bids reached five dollars per pound, the little girl, standing beside the lamb in the arena, began…
A group of botanists were searching in the Alps for rare flowers. A very fine specimen was spotted on a small ledge of rock that could only be reached with a lifeline. The job was…
LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT . . . Not long ago I fell in love, but unreturned is my affection. The girl that I’m enamored of pays little heed in my direction. I thought I knew…
A sunday school class of first-graders was asked to draw a picture of God. When the pastor stopped by to inspect their work, they were happy to show him their works. One child had depicted…
My daughters who live nearby, look after me with eagle eye. ”Dad, go to bed, you need more sleep. Don’t eat so much, the food will keep. Why don’t you take a walk—you should! The…
My day old son is plenty scrawny, His mouth is wide with screams, or yawny; His ears seem larger than he’s needing, His nose is flat, his chin’s receding, His skin is very, very red,…
Last night my child was born — a very strong boy, with large black eyes. If you ever become a father, I think the strangest and strongest sensation of your life will be hearing for…
Harold and Alice, a married couple, seem to complement one another perfectly. For example, Alice is very adept mechanically and with a paint brush: the designated household repair person. If something breaks, she is the…
“My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). After he had lectured his son for five minutes on the evils of smoking, a concerned father said to his 15-year-old…
All eyes were on the radiant bride as her father escorted her down the Church aisle. When they arrived at the altar and stood waiting for the groom to step forward, the bride kissed her…
I finally hit a jackpot last night, something I’ve been trying to do for weeks. I was just lucky, I guess. There was no meeting I absolutely had to attend, so I stayed home. For…
“It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time,” said author Ruth Senter . . . We’d redecorate the family room and get rid of the old gold couch; then, when we could afford…
A family sets man apart from all other living creatures. Who else has children he can call his own for longer than it takes to set them on their feet or on their way? Even…
Some of you may have noticed a statistic a few years back which indicated that more twins are being born. When a teacher mentioned this to her third-grade class, one of the pupils said, “I…
Television’s Connie Chung admits that she is incapable of being a superwoman — “the type who, with every hair in place, can hold a job, run a household, exercise or jog, do charity work, sew,…
Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, reminds us of an exchange between Alice and the Red Queen. Says Alice, “One can’t believe impossible things.” To which the Queen responds, “I dare say, you haven’t had…
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