Sermon Illustrations

”Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8). An elderly woman, well known for her kindness, never had a bad thing…
Two little boys walking to Sunday School were discussing the previous week’s lesson on the Devil. One boy asked, “Do you believe all that stuff we learned about the Devil last week?” His friend thought…
The story is told of an infidel who died after willing his farm to the devil. The next of kin sued to have the will voided on the ground that this was a case in…
Two eight-year-old boys were overheard on the playground discussing their respective religions. ”What Church do you go to?” the first boy asked. ”I don’t go to Church. I go to temple. I’m Jewish,” explained the…
There is a wonderful story of General MacArthur during World War II. He called in his chief engineer on one occasion and asked it if would be possible to build a bridge across a certain…
The celebrated journalist, Heywood Broun once wrote: It is better, I think, even to be wrong upon occasion than to be forever an “Inquiring Neutral”...Into every life must come a time to step left or…
An enterprising office worker would leave work each day pushing a wheelbarrow full of sand. The guard at the gate knew that he was stealing something, so he would check through the sand thoroughly. He…
Dr. Bernard Seltzer, an outstanding surgeon, discovered in mid-life that he also had a gift for writing. Among other works, he has written a best-selling book that has been much talked about. It is called,…
“Let Me firmly assure you, he who believes has eternal life.” (Jn: 6:47). A few years ago, a news photographer won an award for a picture of death he had taken. A young woman was…
There is a haunting story about a wealthy merchant in Baghdad who sent his servant to the market place one morning. There the servant saw the figure of death moving among the people. Death seemed…
A little girl’s pet cat died and her mother, trying to comfort her, said, “But dear, don’t you know that Fluffy is up in Heaven now with God?” The little girl cried all the more…
In one of Dylan Thomas’ poems, he talks of death in many moods and ways, but each stanza ends with the beautiful phrase, “But death shall have no dominion.” Death is real. Death is coming.…
“Those who try to make their life secure will lose it, but those who lose their life will keep it” (Luke 17:33). The poet Kahil Gibran has written a few lines that beautifully summarize what…
A young woman is rushed to the hospital — she arrives unconscious — shock has set in and she is very near death. Emergency Room nurses struggle to find a pulse and cannot get a…
For many years Alice had been a top student in all her classes: in elementary school, high school and college. Three years after earning her undergraduate degree, she was still in school doing graduate work.…
The following notice appeared in the “Personals” column of a small Massachusetts weekly newspaper: “Retired schoolteacher, tired of reading, writing and ‘rithmetic! Is there a gentleman, in his late 60s or older, who can help…
In the rock musical, “Godspell,” whose very name is the old English word for gospel, Jesus is in the midst of crucifixion when a moving litany occurs. Jesus speaks, “O God, I’m bleeding.” The people…
A poem by Stoddard Kennedy compares Jesus’ coming to the modern city of Birmingham in England with Jesus going to Calvary: When Jesus came to Calvary they nailed Him on a tree. They crowned Him…
In his book “The Silence,” the Japanese Christian author, Shusako Endo, tells a story about the persecution of the Japanese Christians during the Sixteenth Century. In Shusako Endo’s story, a Jesuit priest named Rodrigus travels…
Said the newly married bridegroom, “Now that we are married, my dear, I hope you won’t mind my mentioning a number of defects I’ve noticed about you.” “Not at all, dear,” she replied. “Those defects…
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