Sermon Illustrations

A local civic club invited a noted surgeon as guest speaker for their monthly business meeting. The esteemed physician addressed the audience, “You know, I have operated on many people over a great many years.…
There’s a song inside of me And I can hardly wait to see What it is I have to say, Or the music I will play. It has been so long in coming. First the…
There’s a song inside of me And I can hardly wait to see What it is I have to say, Or the music I will play. It has been so long in coming. First the…
In recent years, some members of our Society have become more aware of the benefits of solitude, as various forms of meditation have gained popularity. But the majority of Americans are still hurried, harried and…
Anne Lindbergh, wife of the famous aviator, worked out her own solution to the problem of finding “quiet time.” Noticing that she tended to feel pulled apart by her duties as wife and mother of…
In his book, “Creative Brooding,” Robert Raines wonders why no group of concerned citizens is lobbying for the right to brood undisturbed. He quotes author Halford Luccock as saying that in today’s televised world we…
Have you ever noticed how a snow tends to limit children’s activities? They can’t go to school in it ... They can’t take out the garbage in it ... They can’t go to the dentist…
”...though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” (Isaiah. 1:18). A preacher put this question to a class of children: “If…
Julian, the Emperor of Rome, was a great enemy of the Christians. Once, when he was about to pronounce the death sentence on a group of them, he said derisively, “Where is your Jesus Christ…
I was jogging one day, hearing only my rhythmic breathing, when the sound of a hand-pushed lawn mower caught my attention. “That’s a beautiful sound!” I called to the man pushing it. Inspired by a…
A mother was in bed with the flu and her little daughter was doing her best to be a good “nurse.” She fluffed the pillow under mother’s head, gave her a magazine to read, and…
Before going to Washington, former Congresswoman Millicent Fenwick once debated a male colleague in the New Jersey State Legislature on the subject of “Women’s Rights.” Her opponent, a skilled debater, was ready to pull out…
A little seven-year-old girl returned from her first day of school crying bitterly. Her mother asked the little girl what was wrong. The child showed her mother a form, listing her name, address, phone number,…
A social worker in New York City received a letter from a rich society woman who wanted to help him with a rehabilitation center he was starting in East Harlem. The woman talked a lot…
The famous Abbe Pierre, whose work for the homeless and hurting is well-known, one day was called in to help a homeless family who had been forced to live in the fields in a crude…
There is a legend that at the entrance to Heaven, two questions will be asked of everyone who comes seeking admittance — two questions which might prove so embarrassing it’s better to ask them now,…
Karl Menninger wrote that his father, the late Dr. Will Menninger, listed a number of attributes as criteria for emotional maturity, and one of the most important of these is to find more satisfaction in…
If you’d never been born, well then what would you be? You might be a fish? Or a toad in a tree! You might be a doorknob! Or three baked potatoes! You might be a…
Uncle George, Aunt Sara and Mrs. Wood were sitting on the porch one summer afternoon. The two women began carrying on a long conversation, trying to impress each other with how religious they were. “I…
Arthur Blessit became well-known years ago for his ministry on Hollywood’s “Sunset Strip.” Writing of his experiences there he said, “We were soon overwhelmed by Christians pouring in with their cameras, asking, ‘Would you show…
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