TRICK OR TREAT COMMUNION Last Halloween was cold and wet, but kids came anyway holding out bags expecting me to give them something. It probably happened the same way at your house. Kids, who for…
Sermon Illustrations
ANGELS WITH ONE WING We are all angels with only one wing, who can only fly when embracing each other. -- Liciano De Crescenzo
BRAIN WORKS The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up and does not stop until you get into the office. -- Robert Frost
IN STEP WITH THE SPIRIT Galatians 5:25 says, "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." (NIV) Keep in step comes from the Greek word "Stoicheo" which means to…
WHO WE ARE Here is a segment from South African President Nelson Mandela's inaugural address in 1994. It may require some editing depending on your venue: Our deepest fear is that we are not inadequate.…
COMPLEX WORLD PREFERRED I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it. -- Harry Emerson Fosdick
REAL PUBLIC SERVICE I 've discovered the political shocker of the season. It happened in Colorado. Laurie Bower, a Democrat, withdrew from the state senate election on November 1... and endorsed her Republican opponent! "What…
SEEING DEATH Cardinal Joseph Bernardin died in 1996. He was the Catholic archbishop of Chicago. Cardinal Bernardin wrote of death, "We can look at death as an enemy or as a friend. If we see…
LOVE OR ENVY Love looks through a telescope; envy through a microscope.
UNSEEN SHARKS Author Michael Crichton tells of a time he and his brother were diving off the coast of Bora-Bora. They were diving in a lagoon and exploring the inner edges of a coral reef…
WAITING IN THE MUD In the movie "The African Queen," Kathryn Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart play two people who sailed a small boiler- powered vessel down river in the heart of Africa. After braving the…
S T. VALENTINE Legend has it that a priest, who was also a physician, lived in Rome during the reign of Claudius the Goth. His name was Valentine. Valentine did not preach the gods of…
KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT Have you heard the story about the mountain climber who fell and slid into a deep crevice? His friends lowered a rope to him and said, "Grab hold of the rope!"…
UPROOTING HABITS A grandfather and his grandson were on a walk. As they walked along the trail, the grandfather pointed to a small plant and told the young boy to uproot the small plant. The…
LET GOD RULE THE PRESENT Oliver Cromwell's personal secretary traveled to the European continent on important state business. He stayed overnight in a room by the seaside, but did not sleep well. The custom of…
SUCCESSFUL CEO MARRIAGES Bennis: I noticed something else, which I had no way of accounting for, in that first study I did on leadership. Of those ninety leaders, sixty were on the corporate side, the…
ERRANT ADS The following material is taken from Classified Comics, by James Cummings: 1981 Cadillac. Owner fully loaded, needs new owner. Roger's Radiator Repair. Best Place in Town to Take a Leak. Mobile Home. Newly…
LIKE HAMMERS Let's act like hammers. Hammers do their job without losing their heads. They don't fly off the handle. They just keep pounding away. They get to the point and drive it home quickly.…
WITH TWO PENNIES Mary Jo Tulley writes that when she was a child, her family lived from payday to payday. Her mother would wait until her father returned on payday before she could purchase the…
THE BIBLE FIND When the child of God Looks into the Word of God And sees the Son of God, He is changed by the Spirit of God Into the Image of God For the…