Sermon Illustrations

“…the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised long ages ago” (Titus 1:2). God has not promised Skies always blue, Flower strewn pathways All our lives through. God has not promised Sun…
That is why I am telling you to worry about your life . . . (Mt. 6:25). A man worked hard for twenty-five years to achieve a certain level of success in the company he…
“The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His Heavenly Kingdom…” (II Timothy 4:18). A woman who was a very faithful Church-goer had just received her driver ’s…
“How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 5:3). A few years ago, a visiting professor from the University of Moscow arrived in Washington, D.C. He was interviewed by…
“Examine yourselves… Do you acknowledge that Jesus Christ is really in you? If not, you have failed the test” (II Corinthians 12:5). When the great Japanese Christian, Toyohiko Kagawa, visited the United States for the…
“Yes, My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). A French Canadian newspaper editor was born with a deformed right leg. The limb was so shriveled and atrophied that it couldn’t bear…
“… but even with his eyes wide open he could see nothing at all” (Acts 9:8). The early Church leader, St. Augustine, once was confronted by a man who showed him his pagan idol and…
“Anyone committed to the truth hears My voice,” Jesus said. The brilliant British Author, Malcolm Muggeridge, once said that a very amusing book could be written about how unbelievers try to explain away the fact…
“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1). A former agnostic recalls the following conversation he once had with a former chaplain at Stanford University: “If God exists, somebody in all…
Juliet was a high school student who studied hard and usually achieved excellent grades. She had taken “chemistry” as a college requirement, but even though she did her best, “chemistry” just wasn’t her thing. She…
“Wisdom is found in the old, and discretion comes with great age” (Job 12:12). Julia Child, the famous TV chef, and her husband, Paul, lived in France for seven years. Looking back on her beginnings…
“Teacher, what shall we do?” (Lk. 6:40). A distinguished preacher tells of an experience he had while still in seminary: I had the opportunity of speaking to a large group of inmates in a penitentiary.…
“The one who searches always finds“ (Luke 11:10). A California religious newspaper (The “Son” Sentinel), published an article which contrasted the living habits of two kinds of birds that fly over the California desert: the…
“All she need worry about is being holy in the body and spirit” (I Corinthians 7:34). A thirteen-year-old girl said to her mother, “I feel so nervous.“ Her mother replied, “What do you mean, ’nervous’?”…
“And they were astonished at His teaching” (Mark 1:22). Two men went to Church to pray. One was a man named Hornblower, the other was a teacher. The man named Hornblower stood and looked heavenward,…
“…as I have done, so you must do” (John 13:15). There is a cartoon in which two drifters are idling on a park bench. One says to the other, “Remember, no man is worthless. He…
“Now that I am on the subject of instructions, I cannot say that you have done... more harm than good” (I Corinthians 11:17). As you can imagine, high flying birds pose considerable danger to commercial…
“For you have only one Master, the Christ” (Matthew 23:10). Rudyard Kipling wrote a story about a little ship about to go on its first voyage. The captain’s daughter christened the ship and named it…
“Together now they lie in the dust with worms for covering” (Job 21:26). The great Egyptian Museum of Cairo contains a vast collection of ancient statues, coins and other articles from a period of three…
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