Sermon Illustrations

“He began to speak out boldly” (Acts 19:26). There is an ancient legend in which a holy prophet went into the market place once a week to proclaim against the evil that people do to…
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:10). In a “Peanuts” comic strip, little Linus listens attentively as his little sister, Lucy, boasts about her religious zeal and her potential as an evangelist.…
“…Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). An Irish humorist tells the story of a mean, intemperate selfish, unbelieving man named Pat, who died. At the wake, the pastor of the Church…
“He who hears My Word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life” (John 5:24). Thornton Wilder ’s play, “Our Town,” was extremely popular when first presented years ago and is often performed to…
“Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more…
“The love of money is the root of all evils” (I Tim. 6:10). There was a pretzel stand in front of a big office building in New York City. “PRETZELS 25 CENTS,” read the sign.…
“You will need endurance to do God’s will and gain what He has promised ” (Hebrews 10:36). Around the turn of the century, a woman in America’s rural “Deep South,” became well-known in her area…
“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men” (Col. 3:23). During the period of the Great Depression, a group of immigrants were put to work building roads. For…
“I have the very greatest confidence in you, and I am so proud of you that in all our trouble I am filled with consolation and my joy is overflowing” (II Corinthians 7:4). Author Arthur…
“More from here to there” (Matthew 17:20). William Allen White, one of America’s greatest journalists, is often remembered for his clever defense of the honor of his native state, Kansas. It was on the occasion…
“Let the greater among you be as junior, the leader as servant” (Luke 22:26). A woman was having a problem with her typewriter. She says ... I grew exasperated as the letter I was typing…
“... if your tongue does not produce intelligible speech, how can anyone know what you are saying?” (I Corinthians 14:9). A superintendent of schools had just introduced a new grading system. At a meeting of…
“…He has risen” (Luke 24:6). It was back in the mid-fifties when a British clergyman started feeling some discomfort in his throat. Then he began to notice that he was tending to drag one leg.…
“All I want is to know Christ and the power of His Resurrection” (Philippians 3:10). In a beautiful children's sermon, a pastor included this little tribute to his “Grandma”: A small green shoot appeared out…
“Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe” (John 20:29) A story appeared in “The London Observer” about a family of mice who lived all their lives in a large piano... To them…
“...till this moment they had failed to understand the teaching of scripture, that He must rise from the dead” (John 20:9). Someone designed an unusual Easter Card which looked like a Christmas card. On the…
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