Sermon Illustrations

“May He grant you your heart’s desire” (Psalms 20:4). A mother was telling her little girl about life on the farm when she was growing up. “I had great fun on the farm,” she said.…
“We feel we must be continually thanking God for you… because your faith is growing so wonderfully” (II Thessalonians 1:3). Nature has many remarkable ways of illustrating the growth process. In the case of the…
“Trust in Him and He will act” (Ps. 37:5). An Indianapolis daily newspaper once ran a story entitled, “Knock Out a Little Plaster.” It read as follows: It was our first home, a picture-perfect cottage,…
“…and He said to him, ‘Follow Me’” (Matthew 9:9). One of childhood’s favorite authors, the late Theodor S. Geisel (best known as “Dr. Seuss”), wrote a poem about the difficulty, but necessity, of making decisions.…
“On curds and honey will he feed until he knows how to refuse evil and choose good” (Isaiah 7:15). During a trip on a small airline, the stewardess asked a passenger if he would like…
“God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise” (ICorinthians 1:27) Bob Kuechenberg, one of the all-time great players in the history of the Miami Dolphins football team, once made a…
”Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake! You do not know when the appointed time will come“ (Mk. 3:33) The Jewish Humorist, Isaac Asimov, tells the story of a Yiddish play being given in a…
“I am the gate, whoever enters through Me will be safe ... the thief comes only to steal and slaughter and destroy. I come that they might have life and have it to the full”…
The pastor of a New York City Church once preached a sermon in which he asked his congregation to imagine that the human life-span for each member was ninety years. Then he said, “Suppose we…
“Behold, I have given you… every bird of the sky” (Genesis 1:30). A mother was sitting on the beach with her children when her four-year-old son ran up to her, grabbed her hand, and led…
Several years ago, a Lexington Avenue building in New York City was being remodeled. As the work neared completion, a big sign was placed out front. It read: “Keeping pace with the progress of the…
“Like a son comforted by his mother will I comfort you” (Isaiah 66:13). A medical doctor tells this moving story of a wonderful Christian mother and her five-year-old son who was in the hospital dying…
“Clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may be clean also” (Matthew 23:26). A certain bachelor told his mother that he finally had met the girl…
“Yahweh, how much longer will You hide?” (Psalm 89:46). A religious cynic once said: God made man on the last day of creation. When he realized what He had done, He took off and went…
If you would heed the advice of a famous German poet, everyday you would “at least hear one song, read one good poem, contemplate one good painting, and, if it is still possible, speak a…
“For God so loved the world He gave His only Son” (John 3:16). I know not how that Calvary’s Cross A world from sin could free. I only know its matchless Love Has brought God’s…
“…the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares (weeds) became evident also” (Matthew 13:26). A little seed lay on the ground and soon began to sprout. Now which of all the flowers ’round shall…
“They came to draw water and filled the troughs” (Exodus 3:16). Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors in history, lived in a large house with a huge fence around it. Visitors had to…
“... Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain ... And He was transfigured before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His…
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