Sermon Illustrations

“Come after Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). There is a little story (it’s only a story) in which Jesus decides that He is ready to choose His twelve Apostles.…
“ So do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own” (Matthew 6:34) What is your biggest anxiety at this moment? Is it a destructive…
“Come, you whom My Father has blessed, take for your heritage the Kingdom prepared for you... For I was hungry and you gave me food” (Matthew 25:34-35). A woman who grew up in a situation…
“I have gone astray like a lost sheep” (Psalm 119:176). An eighty-five-year-old man was sitting on a park bench crying. A passerby who noticed the tears running down the man’s cheeks stopped to see if…
“…hide me in the shadow of your wing…from my deadly enemies who surround me” (Psalm 17:8,9). Ivan Turgenev has written an incident in which responsible, righteous, fierce anger was demonstrated in the context of a…
“My dear people, since God has loved us so much, we too should love one another” (I John 4:11) Christian love is Christ-like — agape love. For a Christian, the word for love is that…
“Anyone who is not against us is for us” (Mark 9:40). A pastor was asked about his Church membership. “We have eight hundred members,” he said. “How many active members?” the questioner asked. “All of…
“…unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matthew 18:3). There is a little book called “Underside of Heaven” in which the author describes a Nativity Scene…
“Nor do people put new wine into old wineskins; if they do the skins burst, the wine runs out and the skins are lost; no they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are…
“When the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also” (Matthew 13:26). A man who took great pride in his lawn found himself with a large crop of dandelions. He tried every…
“…do not be guided by what they do: since they do not practice what they preach” (Matthew 23:3). Some debates are won when the opposition makes our point for us. The following scenario describes one…
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me ... He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives” (Lk. 4:8). A man who conducted a seminar on how to make money (“The Million Dollar Forum”)…
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