“. . . for the Bread of God is that which comes down from Heaven and gives life to the world” (John 6:33).
Have you seen the bumper sticker that says, “There’s no life after birth”? Or the one that says,“Life is a disease for which the only cure is death”? Or the one that says “Life is a yo-yo and mankind ties knots in the string”? There are those who do feel in their bones that life is a drag — and act accordingly. They believe that life is out to get them. Consequently they become defensive and suspicious and frightened and coldly calculating. They believe that’s the way to survive in a hostile environment. And they have plenty of evidence to support their cynicism. But the Gospel of Jesus Christ sounds another note — an affirming note that contradicts that cynicism. The Good News of Jesus Christ sounds the affirming note that the world is hospitable to us; that the life-giving Power of…
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