Before you came into this world, you were an unborn baby. We all were. As we contemplate going from this world into another, we are again unborn babies so far as that other world is concerned. Now if a baby not yet born, still tucked under his mother’s heart, could think, he might say to himself, “This is a wonderful place. It’s warm. I’m fed. I’m taken care of, I’m secure. This is a great world where I now am. I like it.” And then someone might say to him, “But you’re not going to stay here. You have to move on. You’re going to die out of this place. You’re going to another world.” That baby would look upon the process of birth as if it were death, since it would be the end of the pleasant state he was in. And he would protest, “I don’t want to die. I understand it here and feel secure.…
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