Commitment | Consecration | Discipleship | Discipline | Risk

The denying ourselves, and the taking up of our cross, is the full extent of the expression, is not a thing of small concern; it is not expedient only, as are some of the circumstantials of religion; but it is absolutely, indispensably necessary, either to our becoming or continuing his disciples. It is absolutely necessary, in the very nature of the thing, to our coming after him, and following him; insomuch that, as far as we do not practice it, we are not his disciples. If we do not continually deny ourselves, we do not learn of him, but of other masters. If we do not take up our cross daily, we do not come after him, but after the world, or the prince of the world, or our own fleshly mind. If we are not walking in the way of the cross we are not following him, we are not treadiong in his steps, but going back from, or at least…

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