Commitment | Courage | Missions | Perspective | Risk | Service

Along the same line of missionaries and the strange food and other conditions they are faced with and the needs for a diplomatic atmosphere — here’s a few lines on the topic from Bob Pierce: This One Thing I Do by Franklin Graham with Jeanette Lockerbie (Word, Waco, Texas) page 143. One Bible verse Dr. Bob took literally and personally is 2 Corinthians 5:20: “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ . . .” (KJV). He believed that and lived by it. “An ambassador should act like an ambassador,” he’d say, then add, “Since I am God’s ambassador, I’m gonna expect Him to take care of me and my needs. If I have to sleep in the filth, I’ll sleep in the filth — and I have. I’ve slept in the open jungle; I’ve slept with the bedbugs; I’ve slept surrounded by scorpions that would drop off the ceiling, in both China and Korea; I’ve eaten food that was unspeakable (like one…

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