Death | Eternal Life | Heaven | Hope | Resurrection

Have you ever stopped to notice the many parts of a flower? [Remove a flower from the wreath on the casket.] A flower has roots and a stem, leaves and petals. But did you know that the real life of a flower is found right here in the center of the flower — in what is called the stigma and stamen? It is from these two parts of the flower that new seeds are produced. But, in order for a flower to reproduce, for it to come to life again, it must first die. Only when a flower dies do its seeds fall to the ground and a later spring brings it once more to life. Without death then, there is no life. Now that illustration also applies to the life of the Christian. Indeed, on this earth we do see some of the beauty which blossoms when the Christian allows Jesus Christ to live and work in his/her heart…

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