Deceit | Honesty | Zeal

And speaking of Funny, Funny World I find quite a few good little stories in this publication — 8625 Holloway Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90069. ($35.00 per year) Like this one: There was this guy who’d been called up by the draft. He ran into the draft board office and said “Don’t delay none of my induction. Lemme start out and you can send my papers later. I don’t need no uniform, no training, no gun or nothin’. Just lemme at the enemy. I’ll kill ’em with my bare hands. If they shoot at me I’ll spit the bullets right back at them. I’ll rip through and go-go-go night and day. Just send somebody along who can count good so I’ll know how many I killed. I wanna go NOW!” The draft board examiner took all this in and responded: “Man, you’re crazy.” And the guy said: “Well, write it down! Write it down!”

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