God, the Creator | Chance | God, Mystery of

“. . . were not our hearts burning inside us as He talked to us … ?” (Lk. 24:32)

The former President of the New York Academy of Sciences once illustrated the mathematical calculations of chance as follows:

Suppose I were to take ten pennies, number them from one to ten and give them to you to put into your pocket. I’d ask you to give them a good shake, then I’d say, “I’m going to reach into your pocket and draw out penny number one.” My chance of doing this would be one in ten. Now, let’s go further. I would put number one back in your pocket, have you shake them again, and I’d say, “I will now draw out number two. My chances now are slimmer — one in one hundred.

Should I attempt to draw out number three in the same way, the chance would be one in one thousand. And should I attempt to draw out each number in order,…

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