Gratitude | Perspective | Thankfulness

“…and for all things give thanks to God because this is what God expects you to do in Christ
Jesus” (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Abigail Van Buren (“Dear Abby”) once received a letter signed “Depressed.” It read: Dear Abby: About a month ago we had a flash flood, and I lost nearly all the treasures I had
saved for forty-five years. Albums filled with pictures and snapshots, letters, clippings — none of which can be replaced. I had them stored in plastic containers, and when I opened them, all I found was mud and water!

Part of my life is gone. I am heartsick over it. I am sixty and have had a very happy life. Our children are married and gone, and there are just the two of us.

I’ve tried to keep busy and not dwell on my loss, but it is on my mind constantly. I wish I could forget this terrible nightmare. Somehow I feel that you can help…

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