Light | Thanksgiving | Perspective | Treasure

“All that came to be had life in Him, and that life was the light of men, a light that shines in the dark” (John 1:4).

Once upon a time… There was a little boy who worked hard in the family cornfield and cow shed because his people were poor farmers who could not afford a hired hand. Each day, at sunset, the boy had an hour to himself before going into the house for the evening meal. When the time came, each day, the boy would go up to

the top of a nearby hill and look across at another hill, some distance away. On this hill stood a house with windows that shone like gold and diamonds. One day, the boy’s father said to him, “You have been a good boy. Take this entire day for your own, and try to learn some good thing.”

Immediately the boy set out for the house with the golden windows. After a long journey, he came…

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