Miracle | God, Spirit of | Life

“. . . the Spirit of God dwells in you” (Rom. 8:9).

Do you really appreciate the miracle of who you are? Do you appreciate the wonder of your body, for instance? Amazing are your ears that know both sound and silence. Amazing is your bone structure, the clean lines of your arms and legs, the dexterity of your hands. Amazing is the flow of your blood through its vessels. Amazing is the journey of a thought through the mazes of your brain. Amazing is the way of breath that fans the fires of your life. Amazing is the way of food as it is transformed into living cells. Amazing is the way of creative life which fashions out of its own substance a new and unique temple for a living soul. Isn’t it amazing?

Do you appreciate the miracle of your mind? With your mind you can create beauty, search for truth, dream noble dreams. With your mind you can explore the atom, recall…

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