Politics | Procreation

“God blessed then, saying to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply’” (Genesis 1:28).

From the “good old days” in an oil-rich Texas boom-town, comes the story of a local tycoon who presented his fellow citizens with a beautiful park-site with a large lake in the middle of it. A special meeting of the Town Council was called to offer a vote of thanks to the generous benefactor. One of the Council members, inspired by the dim recollection of a travel folder he had seen, offered a suggestion. “I propose,” he said, “that the town acquire a number of gondolas.” Whereupon the following exchange took place between the donor and members of the Council:

“Gondolas? What for?” “For the lake.”
“What good will they do?”

“My friends, a few gondolas will enhance the natural beauty of the lake and make it more picturesque.”

“Okay, let’s have gondolas!” “Let’s order two.”
“No, make it a three.”

“How about a dozen of them?” Then the wise old Mayor…

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