Stress | Modern Society | Rat race

Whoever dubbed our times “The Aspirin Age” didn’t miss it by very much. It is probably correct to assume that there has never been a more stress-ridden society than ours. Former relaxed, extended-family lifestyles have been preempted by hectic nuclear families drifting in all directions — existing on instant meals, shouting matches, strained relationships, too little sleep, too much television. Add to this: financial setbacks, failure at school, unanswered letters, obesity, loneliness, programmed telephone voices saying “Push one…Push two…Push three,” uninvited and unwelcome FAX messages, fear of cancer, fear of AIDS, fear of violence and guns even before the sun goes down, security systems of every description, “The Club” on millions of steering wheels, mistrust of politicians, incessant exploitation by advertisers, the News Media that live by the slogan, “If it bleeds, it leads,” materialism, fierce competition fueled by the lust for money, unwanted pregnancies, alcoholism and other forms of drug addiction, and even death. These are the makings of madness. Stress has become a…

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