Top Picks, Salvation, Acceptance, Faith

The following true account is what we might call a salvation experience. One day, as a high-rise apartment building was nearing completion, only two workers remained, putting the finishing touches on the inside of the great incinerator chimney. One worker went outside the chimney to retrieve some needed materials. The other remained inside, working a considerable height from ground level.

Suddenly, the worker’s safety line broke, and he began to fall through the massive opening. As he did, he grabbed hold of a large rope that extended through the chimney from top to bottom. His light was gone, and there he was, alone, clinging desperately to the rope. He soon began to lose strength, and as his grip weakened, he slipped downward in fits and starts.

His aching muscles told him that he would lose his hold entirely at any moment and fall to certain death. At that point, his co-worker returned, looked down through the top of the chimney, and discovered that his partner…

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