Unity | Community | Harmony | Family

“The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul” (Acts 4:32).

A husband and wife went fishing together one afternoon. As they prepared to cast their lines out into the stream, the husband said excitedly, “Did you see that big swirl? That’s one big fish out there.” With that, he tossed his line out in the direction of the swirl he had seen — and waited. But nothing happened. Suddenly, he said it again. “Did you see that big splash?” Again, the line went out but nothing happened. After a few more big swirls, followed by a few more failures, the wife called over to her husband. “Look,” she said, pointing toward the last big swirl, “do you see what I see?” And what they saw gliding by in the water was a big swarm of tiny minnows, newly hatched, all together creating those big swirls.

Continuity-and-fulfillment is a persistent New Testament theme. We are “born again,” to use Jesus’ own words — newly-hatched,…

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