No One Will Be The Wiser

Make ready the way of the Lord, clear Him a straight path ... and all mankind shall see the salvation of God

Luke 3:4,6
Luke 3:1-6

Sermon Week/Year

Second Sunday of Advent,

Sermon Topic


Expectation plays a big role in our lives-as was the case, perhaps, when an extremely overweight woman was heard to say on her first visit to “Weight-Watchers”: “I just can’t wait to get home and not eat.” That’s expectation!

“Expectation” plays a special part in our celebration of Christmas. We all know what Christmas is about. It is about God’s coming: the great God who created and who sustains all life, comes to us in this “Incarnational” way, fully embodied in Jesus Christ. Part of what makes it p05sible for Him to come now is our expectation of His coming. If that is missing, the chance is real that we will miss His coming. There is a big difference, however, in our ordinary expectations and our Christmas expectation. In our ordinary expectations, often the joy of anticipation is more exciting and more fulfilling than the joy of realization. Not so with our Christmas expectation. There, it is the realization that counts for most. When…

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