During a severe thunderstorm, a mother was tucking her little girl into bed. As she was about to turn the bedroom light off, the child asked tearfully, “Mommy, will you please stay in with me all night. I’m afraid.” The mom smiled and gave her little girl a reassuring hug. Then she said, “I can’t stay with you all night. I have to stay in Daddy’s room.” There was a pause, then a shaky little voice broke the silence: “The big fraidy-cat!”
A certain Psychiatrist was unusually scornful of a patient who panicked whenever he heard thunder. “It is absurd to be frightened when you hear thunder which is just a harmless quirk of nature. Get control of yourself when the next time you hear it. Do as I do — I simply put my head under the pillow and close my eyes until the thunder passes away.”
In today’s Gospel Lesson Jesus and His friends are riding the crest of a rising…
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