PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP February 5, 2017
Of all who gather here today,
let none be spectators;
let none be critics;
let none be idle onlookers.
Instead, may all who assemble be humble and sincere, eager to participate in the worship of our God and in the pursuit of truth.
Penitential Prayer
We confess, Lord, that at times we have failed to let our lights shine.
We have neglected to perform our civic duties.
We have remained silent when we should have defended the truth.
We have been too busy for acts of kindness.
Take away our darkness, Lord, and make us reflective of Your Light.
Become the light of the world
and the salt of the earth
dispelling the darkness
and preserving the truth.
PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP February 12, 2017
Even though the evil adversary prowls around looking for someone to devour, we come together under the protection of God who resides at the center of our beings.
Penitential Prayer
We confess Lord that, when temptation comes
our way we nuzzle up to it, we sniff it, we get as close to it as possible.
For these failures to turn away
from the devil we beg forgiveness.
Let us go now, determined to give a deaf ear
to the devil’s whisperings and opened minds
and hearts to the Lord’s Blessings.
PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP February 19, 2017
Come, let us seek the Lord Jesus.
Let us follow His steps;
Let us receive His Spirit;
Let us hear His Voice
as He reveals the Will of the Father.
Penitential Prayer
Lord, we admit that we sometimes are too willing and ready to listen to the false prophets of our age.
We may have grasped, in desperation, some strange sectarian teaching.
We may have been duped by the hysterical voices of the prophets of doom.
We may have believed those who have said, “Peace, peace,” when there is no peace.
For the sin of sometimes being too willing and ready to listen to the false prophets of our age, Father, forgive us.
Go from this place of worship
with joy in your spirit,
with love in your heart,
with a spring in your feet,
with a song on your lips.
PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP February 26, 2017
In His sacred Presence
the storm of the world is calmed;
In His Presence
even the mountains tremble.
Come, let us worship the Master —
Let us praise the Lord for His sacred Presence,
in all things.
Penitential Prayer
Father, there is not one among us
who will not admit his shame,
For into this house, Your Holy Temple,
we bring our anxious worry,
our greed,
our fears,
our egotistical preoccupations,
our prejudices,
our anger,
and our weakness.
Father, there is not one among us
who will not admit his shame
and pray for Your forgiveness.
Every breath is a miracle,
every heartbeat is a mystery.
Every entity of the universe
is generated and sustained
by the Will of Almighty God.
Worry no more.
Abide in the word of The One True Lord.