February 7, 2021
Open your hearts to God’s welcome:
He knows us individually — and our first name;
He knows the story of our life — page-by-page;
He follows us, step-by-step — from cradle to grave;
He understands us;
His arms are open to receive us.
What a Miracle is God!
Penitential Prayer
Apart from the miraculous, there is
no God,
no Jesus,
no mankind,
no creation,
no love,
no eternal life.
God forgive our disbelief in miracles!
May God be in your mind,
and in your understanding.
May God be in your eyes,
and in your looking.
May God be in your mouth,
and in your speaking.
May God be in your heart,
and in your doing.
February 14, 2021
The chains of sin are broken,
Our faith is not in vain.
Our most extravagant hopes are legitimate.
Our greatest loves are certain
Our deepest wounds are healed.
Jesus saves!
Penitential Prayer
Lord, we confess that we often cry out in dismay,
“Look what the world has come to!”
and less often sing out in delight,
“Look what has come to the world!”
Lord, how often we forget that the greatest discovery of our life is that we have a Savior.
Lord, forgive our forgetfulness.
A Christian person is the most free person of all,
and subject to no one;
A Christian person is the most dutiful person of all
and subject to everyone.
February 21, 2021
During this season of Lent
Let us follow our Lord Jesus Christ –
past the street corners of conflict,
up the mountain of glory,
through the garden of prayer,
beside the hill of agony,
through the darkness of the tomb,
to the life of triumph and joy.
During this season of Lent,
let us follow our Lord Jesus Christ.
Penitential Prayer
During this time of the year, in which we consider the sufferings of the Lord on our behalf, we become sensitive to how unworthy we are.
May this year’s observance of Lent make us very much aware of our helplessness and of our complete dependence upon God’s Love for our salvation.
Lord, forgive our stubborn unawareness.
Go forth from this place in humility,
knowing it was for you Christ suffered,
knowing it was for you He died in hope,
knowing it was for you He lives.
February 28, 2021
We come together today,
spirits shrouded in purple,
To continue our pilgrimage,
down unfamiliar ways,
Toward the New Jerusalem.
Let us encourage one another
As we go.
Penitential Prayer
Pardon us Lord our doubting,
our attachments to material allures,
our impatience with our brothers and sisters,
our laziness and indifference;
forgive our meanness, pride, and selfishness.
Let us go forth together in pilgrimage,
confident that God’s Spirit
will guide us on the way.