We marvel at the New Testament miracle stories in which Jesus walks on water, changes water into wine, raises a man from the dead, restores sight to the blind, cures a hopeless paralytic and performs many other wondrous works. Today’s Gospel Lesson tells the story of Jesus feeding a crowd of more than five thousand hungry persons with just five loaves of bread and a couple of fish. “They all ate as much as they wanted, and they collected the scraps remaining, twelve baskets full” (Mt. 14:20).
How did He do it? How do we explain such a miracle? Well, we don’t know how he did it, and we can’t explain. And there may be times when we’re tempted to doubt it. After all, no such thing has ever taken place before our eyes. After all, witnessing miracles just isn’t part of our real life experience. Or is it? Centuries ago, the question was answered as follows…
If a dead man is raised…
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