Children’s Sunday Sermon
September 4, 2016
Good morning boys and girls. Today we read in our bibles that Jesus said, if we really want to be His loyal followers then we must carry our cross. What do you suppose this means boys and girls? You have already learned that God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to live here with us on earth. And you have also learned that Jesus was nailed to a cross and died a painful death so that our sins may be forgiven. And as loyal followers, Jesus has instructed us to pick up our own cross. You see boys and girls we all have “a cross to bear.” This means that we all have certain things that we must do that are expected of us, even if we don’t enjoy them. What are some of these things, boys and girls?
Let’s suppose you are enjoying your time off from school during the summer and you have a big vacation trip planned. What if your grandmother or other relative got really sick and needed you and your family, but the problem was that it was at the same time you were supposed to go on your great vacation? If your mom or dad said to you that the vacation would have to be postponed, that would be a big disappointment, wouldn’t it? After looking forward to your trip for many weeks, you would feel really bad if you didn’t get to go when you expected — wouldn’t you? But if you stayed at home instead of going on your trip, you and the rest of your family would be able to give the love, and support and friendship, and care to the person who was sick. And if you did that, you would be doing the good work that is expected of you as a loyal follower of Jesus. Your cross in this situation boys and girls would be the sacrifice that you made when you canceled your trip and instead stayed at home to help someone who really needed you. I’m sure all of you can think of some other examples of picking up your cross. And remember, when you do this, even though it might hurt, you are doing the work that is expected of you here on earth. So this week let’s all get ready to do some heavy lifting!
Children’s Sunday Sermon
September 11, 2016
I love you, you love me, we’re a great big fa-mi-ly! Good morning girls and boys. How many of you remember Barney, the singing Purple Dinosaur? Even if you don’t remember Barney, I want you all to remember his theme song. We are all one great big fa-mi-ly. All of us are God’s children — we’re all brothers and sisters!
Boys and girls, God has made the human family one of His most precious miracles. God created every single thing that you see around you including all of the plants and animals. But of all of His creations, only the human family enjoy the special relationship reserved just for His children on earth. In the animal kingdom, the mother bear, or lion, or giraffe will raise and take care of its babies just until they are old enough to hunt their own food and set out on their own. But in the human family, we stay together — even long after we go to college and get married and live in our own homes, and start our own family. Throughout our lives we are still very close to the members of our family. And the glue that keeps our families together is Love! And the kind of love that we have in our family is called unconditional love. That means that no matter what we do, our parents and our brothers and sisters still love us. And that’s the same kind of love that God has for each one of the children in His Kingdom — unconditional Love. You have learned that even when we are not doing the things that are expected of us, we are still loved by God and we always have the opportunity to change and start doing the right things!
Yes, boys and girls you may be too old to be watching Barney on television, but you never outgrow your family!
Children’s Sunday Sermon
September 18, 2016
Good morning boys and girls. We read in our Bibles today that Jesus said you cannot be the slave of both God and money. What does it mean to be a slave of God? What does it mean to be a slave of money? And why can’t we do both? First, to be a slave of God is to make the Love of God the most important thing in your life — and that’s good. But when we become a slave to money, and make money the most important thing in our life — that’s bad!
Do you know what, boys and girls? Jesus never said that money was a bad thing. He understood that we need money for food, and clothing, and a place to live. But what Jesus did say is that to love money more than God is bad. If God really is the most important thing in our lives then money can’t be the most important also. There’s only room for one!
Remember boys and girls we can do many good things with our money:
• We can help others who really need us;
• We can provide our family with the things they need;
• We can save it for later when we need it for college, or for the things we need to build
our own homes and our own families.
Girls and boys, money surely is an important part of our lives. But when we make it the most important thing, when we put it ahead of God, then it’s time for change! Not the kind of change you put in your pocket, but the change that’s needed in your heart that says “God is first. Not money!”
Children’s Sunday Sermon
September 25, 2016
Good morning girls and boys. Today I want to talk about self-centeredness. What does it mean to be self-centered? That’s right — to be self centered means. . .
Putting your feelings, ahead of the feelings of others;
Taking for yourself, before thinking about giving to others;
Saying what you want, before listening to others;
Helping yourself, before helping others.
Boys and girls of course we all have to look out for ourselves. We can’t always make ourselves last in line, last to speak up, last to ask. But we also shouldn’t always try to make ourselves first in line when it isn’t our turn; first to grab the last cookie, when we’ve already had our fair share; first to leave, when there is still work to be done.
Boys and girls, Jesus has said right here in our Bibles, that “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” What does this mean boys and girls? That’s right. In the eyes of God . . .
Those who think of others before thinking of themselves, are doing God’s work – the work that is expected of loyal followers of Jesus.
Those who give to others before taking for themselves, are doing God’s work. The work that is expected of loyal followers of Jesus.
Those who let someone else in line before charging ahead, are doing God’s work. The work that is expected of loyal followers of Jesus.
Those who let others speak before always being the first to ask, are doing God’s work. The work that is expected of loyal followers of Jesus.
Those who help others before thinking of themselves, are doing God’s work. The work that is expected of loyal followers of Jesus.
This week boys and girls let’s all try something. The next time you are far back, waiting your turn in line at the grocery store or at the movies, don’t complain. Instead, think of it as a reminder of all of the work that is expected of us. Use that time waiting in line to think how you can honor God by doing His work, and thinking of others, before thinking of yourself. And when you do, you’ll be at the head of the line in God’s eyes!