Sermon Illustrations

On any wedding day, as on all festive occasions, there is always the danger of missing the celebration’s real significance. Like a man named John Cunningham did, for example, on his wedding day. The marriage…
At a small-town Church the newly appointed Pastor discovered a full-length mirror on the closet door in his office. For his first wedding service, he allowed the bride to use his office as her dressing…
A young bridegroom, standing at the altar next to his bride, listened nervously to the decisive question: “Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wife?” He replied, “I wilt!”
The story is told of a New York City school teacher who decided he needed to see a psychiatrist. Determined to get first-class help, he picked one with a fashionable Park Avenue address. When he…
”Have nothing to do with stupid and senseless controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to everyone, an apt teacher, patient, correcting opponents with gentleness.”…
It is important to be sensitive to the reactions of children as they continue to ask questions about the war in the Persian Gulf, just ended. During the first few days of the conflict, Cable…
An elderly woman was filling out an application for residency in a retirement village. With some anxiety, she answered the questions relating to the state of her health, then signed her name and put down…
An elderly woman was filling out an application for residency in a retirement village. With some anxiety, she answered the questions relating to the state of her health, then signed her name and put down…
In the Shao-Lin Monastery of Hunan, China, a teacher walked with a pupil in the courtyard. The teacher was known as the Blind Master. He had lost his sight early in life, but he had…
A reformer given to lecturing on the evils of liquor finished off a performance by exhibiting two bottles to his audience, one filled with water, the other with liquor. He put some worms in the…
A woman explained that in order to offset the depression she felt at reaching her 40th birthday, she decided to treat herself to a new haircut and a new outfit. Walking down the street, she…
Massachusetts Congressman “Tip” O’Neill, former Speaker of the House, tells a wonderful story about a man named “Honest Jake Bloom” of Boston. Honest Jake became well-known in the Boston area because of the assistance he…
A husband and wife were travelling through the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia when they wandered off the main road for some sightseeing. Suddenly, they encountered a valley full of beautiful blossoming trees. Beyond was…
What Are Valentines? Valentines are Gifts of Love And with the help of God above Love can change the human race And make this world a better place– For love disolves all hate and fear…
Late one Valentine’s Day, a young man staggered into a bakery just before it was about to close. The man came in from the pouring rain and was soaked from head to toe. “Am I…
There is a story about the mid-Victorian era Bishop Samuel Wilberforce who experienced a religious conversion late in life. He said that one night, some years before his conversion, he was thinking of the wickedness…
“They are not afraid of evil tidings; their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord” (Psalms 112:7) Rembrandt did a painting which portrays the Biblical story of the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Perhaps…
I remember a friend, a wonderful, wise old man, who was one of the happiest personalities I knew anywhere. His life had not been an easy one, and he had known many real hardships and…
You’re in the yard on a beautiful sunlit day pulling dandelions, and suddenly you drop to your knees and see the beauty of the yellow and the intricacy of the design and even the strange…
“A day is a miniature eternity,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. Each new day is a whole world within itself. It can make a world of difference in the life God has given each of us.…
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