Matthew 14:33
Daniel 7:9-10,13-14; Psalms 97:1-2,5-6,9; II Peter 1:16-19; Mark 9:2-10
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Imagine a man clinging desperately to the top of a solid steel flagpole. Then watch a strong man strike the bottom of the pole with a large sledge hammer. BOING! The vibrations will pass quickly through the solid steel and up the pole, transferring the force of the hammer blow to the man at the top of the pole, with little of the initial blow being lost.
Now imagine a man sitting on the top of a great mountain of fat. Then imagine the same strong man striking the bottom of the mountain of fat with the same sledge hammer. KERPFLOP! The fat absorbs the initial blow, transferring none of the hammer’s original blow to the man at the top of the mountain of fat.
For many of us, listening to God’s Word is like the experience of the man sitting at the top of the mountain of fat. The message doesn’t get through our flabby spiritual ears. We’re not receptive to the command of…
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