January 2, 2022
Like the Wise Men of old,
we believe that life must become different
from what it is
– and it will!
Like the Wise Men of old,
we believe that one day we will be fulfilled
in God’s Kingdom
– and we will!
Like the Wise Men of old,
we believe that our worship experience is a stepping-stone toward that victory.
Penitential Prayer
The People of God
are a People of sinners.
The People of God
are a People of sinners
wise enough to know that they are sinners.
The People of God are wise enough to know that they
live by virtue of repentance.
The People of God
are wise enough to know that they live
by virtue of the forgiveness of a Merciful God.
“Lord, we are not worthy!
So, say the People of God …
in their wisdom.
Leave this Temple and return to the world …
to exercise your Divine calling
by your every word
and action.
Leave this Temple and return to the world …
so that the world may know
what manner of People
the Living God produces.
January 9, 2022
Give glory to the Father,
give thanks to the Son,
rejoice with the Spirit,
for the three are one.
Let us pray to the Father,
let us walk with the Son,
let us sing with the Spirit,
for the three are one.
Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Father, when we have failed to live up to
our full potential:
when we did our work the easiest way
instead of the best way;
when we allowed small obstacles to turn
us away from our goals;
when we allowed failure to discourage
us from trying again;
when we allowed our bodies to become
flabby and weak;
when we allowed our minds to become
lazy and dull;
when we have not sought the best gifts
of the Spirit.
For that which is good,
may you be thankful.
For that which is wrong,
may you be repentant.
For that which is incomplete,
may you be concerned.
For that which is right,
may you be dedicated.
January 16, 2022
Come and hear,
for Christ is the Word.
Come and enter,
for Christ is the Door.
Come and drink,
for Christ is the Wine.
Come and eat,
for Christ is the Bread.
Penitential Prayer
Lord, forgive us if there are parts of our lives from
which we have tried to keep You out;
If there have been rooms of our homes in
which You were not welcome;
If there have been hours of our day from
which You have been excluded;
If there have been pages of our reading
which we have kept from Your control;
If there have been relationships in our lives
which we have not submitted for Your blessing;
If there have been words we have spoken
which were not offered for Your review.
For these and all other attempts to exempt You from
the Lordship of our lives, we ask Your forgiveness.
You have worshiped in the Church;
now worship in the home,
in the street,
in the factory,
in the office,
in the field,
and everywhere you go;
for the world is the Lord’s sanctuary
and the earth is His dwelling place.
January 23, 2022
We have come to this abode of Peace because we know
that by following Christ,
we in the world today
can truly live, act, suffer and die;
in happiness and unhappiness, life, and death
sustained by God.
and helpful to men.
Welcome to this abode of Peace.
Welcome to this house of God.
Welcome home!
Penitential Prayer
To Jesus’ true followers, “home” is among the holiest of
words. A true Christian home is among the most
sacred of places:
home is a place where love teaches its lessons;
home is a place where life is schooled and cherished;
home is a place where character is molded.
Be faithful stewards of Christ:
o that the whole world may delight in the flavor of
His new wine.
January 30, 2022
Let every tongue be still,
Let every ear be open,
Let every eye be attentive,
Let every mind be alert.
Let every member of this community
give all honor and glory to Jesus,
in this house of God.
Penitential Prayer
Lord Jesus, we are really unworthy to receive
You in our midst today:
we have declared ourselves too busy to read
Your life and teachings in the New Testament;
we have declared ourselves too modern to be
subject to Your prophetic Word;
we have declared ourselves too liberated to be
positioned under Your Sacred Rule;
we have declared ourselves ineligible to participate
in Your Cause of peace-on-earth;
we have declared ourselves too engaged with our own
concerns to be bothered with the concerns of others.
Forgive us, Lord, for closing our eyes and ears and minds and hearts to Your prophetic Word.
Like a giant net, let us
cover the earth with mercy;
cover the earth with generosity;
cover the earth with love.
And God will bless you — forever.