Face To Face

At the “Special Olympics” held in Seattle a few years ago, nine contestants (all disabled in some way) lined up for the start of the hundred-yard-dash. When the starter’s gun

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Sunday Sermons Audio

We Must Do More

An article titled “Nine Extraordinary Human Abilities” describes some truly unusual and amazing skills. You are likely familiar with “Absolute pitch” — demonstrated by those talented individuals who can sing

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No Stranger King

There was a long line of travelers waiting for immigration clearance at a Florida airport. The immigration officers seemed to be exercising unusual care in inspecting baggage and credentials. After

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So Many Christs

Renowned French novelist and Nobel Prize winner, Francois Mauriac, once interviewed the celebrated Swedish-born actress, Greta Garbo. Of Miss Garbo it has been written, “Her profile, honey-colored hair, large blue

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