Sermon Illustrations

There is no difficulty That enough love will not conquer No disease that enough love will not heal; No door that enough love will not open; No gulf that enough love will not bridge; No…
A woman complained that ever since her husband started Law School he began analyzing everything that she said. One morning she asked, “John, why do you love me so much?” The man thought for a…
Love is one phase of the divine law that needs practical interpretation. To be loved by people, a basic desire of everyone, is not a matter of accident but a matter of fulfilling the requirements…
“God’s love was revealed to us in this way: God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him” (I John 4:9). Elizabeth Barrett was one of England’s great women…
In the famous story by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the Little Prince had one possession he considered unique in all the Universe. His rose was the most beautiful living thing he could ever imagine and he…
Peter A. Fraille, a Jesuit priest and founder of the “Divine and Human Institute,” tells of a letter he once received from a sixteen-year-old girl. In the letter, she said she was having a problem…
Many travelers on religious pilgrimage to the Middle East have heard the true story of Father Demetrius, a priest of the Orthodox, Eastern Rite Church. Father Demetrius was a good and a strong Christian man.…
Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of love: and then, for the second time in the history of the world,…
Two men were arguing about religion and as the discussion heated up, one said to the other, “I’ll bet you five dollars you don’t know the Lord’s Prayer!” The other said, “I’ll take that bet,”…
"He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray.” Lk. 11:1 Do you realize that the words “I,” “my” and…
A minister parked his car in a tow-away zone in a large city and attached the following message to his windshield: ”I have circled this block ten times. I have an appointment to keep. Forgive…
An elderly woman who lived alone had a friend stay with her one night. The friend became curious because although there was a clock in each room of the little apartment, nevertheless the woman called…
After telling her class of six-year-olds the story of Jesus miraculously feeding thousands of people, the teacher asked the children to draw a picture of the event. One little girl turned in a picture of…
A grandmother, a mother and a little boy went into a restaurant and sat down to order. The waitress took the grandmother’s order, the mother’s order, then turned to the little boy and said, “What…
In Dr. Paul Tournier’s book “The Strong and the Weak,” the story is told of a family with several children. The father had a problem with one of his daughters, a little girl who was…
A man was brought to Jesus who was deaf and stammering in speech. It is fascinating to note the sequence of ministry. First, Jesus opened his ears; then, his tongue was freed, and he spoke…
Two gentlemen met on the street one afternoon. One of them was the kind of person who dominates every conversation. “Hey Max,” he said, “you’ve grown taller.” He then went right on talking without giving…
Author Anthony de Mello tells the story of a temple built on an island. The temple contained a thousand bells ... Bells big and small, fashioned by the finest craftsman in the world. When the…
In her book called, “The Listener,” Taylor Caldwell says: Man does not need to go to the moon or other solar systems. He does not require bigger and better bombs and missiles. He will not…
A preacher saw a group of little boys sitting in a circle with a dog in the middle. He asked them what they were doing with the dog. One little fellow said, “We ain’t doin’…
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